She lapsed into a little girl voice to deliver a nursery rhyme 她改用童声唱起童谣来。
Like baby Via, who can sing, rattle off nursery rhyme identify colours and animal all before she turns two. 比如说维亚宝宝,她在两岁前,就能唱歌、会背童谣、辨认颜色和动物。
Despite the plentiful variety of nursery rhyme editions that surface regularly, it is this version, with its beloved illustrations, that is still going strong after nearly a century. 尽管有很多个版本的童谣来配绘本,但是这个版本,加上经常的绘图诠释,保持了近一个世纪的优势。
And this aint no nursery rhyme. 这是不是没有童谣。
This nursery rhyme is very familiar to me. 我对这首摇篮曲很熟悉。
The woman who wrote the classic nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb" also played an integral role in making Thanksgiving a national holiday. 这位写下传世诗句《玛丽有只小羊羔》的女性在为感恩节争取法定中也扮演了重要一角儿。
I'm due at a nursery rhyme recital. 我还要去童谣演唱会。
Home nursery rhyme, but also the aroma filling the earth. 家乡的童谣,还充盈着泥土的芳香。
Our teacher tells us that they will give us extra credit if we can figure out how the nursery rhyme "Ring around the Rosy" relates to the black plague. 老师告诉我们,如果可以解释出童谣“玫瑰花环”与黑死病的关系,就会给我们额外的加分。
Parents can prepare nursery rhyme CDs or hand puppets and place them in the car to listen and sing along to or play with. 乘坐车子时,家长可替孩子准备童谣歌曲CD或手偶,和孩子一同唱歌或玩角色扮演的游戏。
Will be the subject of the next nursery rhyme Penned by Brooklyn's lamest fiction writer. 能有幸成为下一首由布鲁克林最蹩脚的小说家执笔写成的英语儿歌的主角?
Its melody is not unlike a nursery rhyme, and the message is like reading fortune cookie after fortune cookie. 歌的旋律就像童谣,所传递的信息就像一个又一个的幸运饼干。
When walking up and down stairs, have your child count the number of steps or chant a nursery rhyme. 父母可在孩子平常上下楼梯时,一层一层地数楼梯数目,或哼唱一些韵律性、节奏感强的儿歌。
Calf: I can speak Chinese. I can even sing a Chinese nursery rhyme. 小牛:我会说中文。还会唱中文儿歌。
Yan went there again, when it could be home nursery rhyme? Only in a dream recall, Tong Song Qing Yin, it is difficult to back some memories. 雁去了,还有再来的时候,可家乡的童谣呢?惟有在梦里重温,童歌轻吟,那是一番难回的记忆。
A nursery rhyme familiar to most children; 儿歌为多数小孩所熟悉;
On the Function of Nursery Rhyme and Novel in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 论《三国演义》中的童谣及其小说功能
On the Cultural Function of Hakka Nursery Rhyme 论客家童谣的文化功能
Chengdu, as an old city, has rich folk arts such as the traditional nursery rhyme, paper-cut, and drama. 课题组所在的成都是一个有着悠久历史和丰富民间艺术资源的城市。
Little Nursery Rhyme Sings for Big Environmental Protection 小童谣唱出大环保
First, the more the development of day shows that the non-material culture than the culture of a more visible and more durable not easy to be changed ( though the Han girl put on Dai ultra short miniskirt they hardly forget Dai childhood nursery rhyme). 越是发展越表明,非物质文化比有形的文化更具有持久性更不容易被改变(当傣族姑娘换上汉族的超短迷你裙时她们还是忘不了儿时的傣族童谣)。
Constructing experience of nursery rhyme class, making experience of nursery rhyme environment, design experience of nursery rhyme activities provides an operative strategy for students and teachers. 如构建生活化的童谣体验课堂、营造愉悦的童谣体验情境、精心设计童谣体验活动等,都为学生和教师提供了具体的可操作的策略。
Recent years, the spread of campus nursery rhyme has positively influenced the personality of pupils, also, it is the media and the carrier to strengthen the moral sense of pupils, and also, it is the important resource of moral education in schools. 近年来,校园绿色童谣的广泛传播,对小学生的人格培养和品质养成起到了积极的引导作用,是小学生获得道德认知,强化道德意识的媒介和载体,也是学校德育的重要资源。
On the base of the real fact of experience of nursery rhyme, divides experience of nursery rhyme into life experience, situational experience and activities experience. 根据童谣体验发生的情况而论,又将童谣童谣具体划分为生活体验、情境体验和活动体验三类。
The She folk songs content is extremely rich, can be divided into nursery rhyme, legend songs, love songs, marriage customs songs, labor songs, story songs, politics songs, miscellaneous songs and funeral songs. 畲族民歌的内容非常丰富,可分为成儿歌、历史传说歌、情歌、婚俗歌、劳动歌、小说故事歌、时政歌、杂歌、丧俗歌等九种。